Monday, April 11, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
On March 16, Columbia's Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) launched Studio-X Rio, the sixth in a series of Studio-X laboratories that consider the challenges of urban development in cities around the world. The other labs, located in Amman, Beijing, Moscow, Mumbai and New York, facilitate collaboration between Columbia students and faculty and the best architects and urban developers in the host country. The labs have been described by GSAPP Dean Mark Wigley as "the first truly global network for real-time exchange of projects, people and ideas between regional leadership cities." Studio-X Rio hopes to continue in this tradition, offering students, educators and developers the opportunity to collaborate and creatively address the most pressing problems arising from urbanization. The schedule of opening events at the launch included a welcome with Eduardo Paes, Mayor of Rio, and workshops similar to those that will be offered at the laboratory. Brazilian architect Pedro Rivera, the director of Studio-X Rio, described the layout of the laboratory: "The basic concept is very simple-- an empty space with an espresso machine." He also hopes to organize lectures, workshops and exhibitions to complement the studio work accomplished at Studio-X. To learn more about the Studio-X project, and the Rio lab specifically, please click here. You can also check out photos of the launch on our Facebook page.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Are we done with the humanities?
Columbia students know the rigor of a liberal arts education. Through the University’s famed Core Curriculum, every Columbia College undergraduate is exposed to the best of history’s literature, philosophy, art and music, from Homer to Dante, Plato to Nietzsche, and everything in between.
In an increasingly technology-driven world, however, the question remains: how far will a humanities-based education get you? In a recent article for TechCrunch, Vivek Wadhwa, director of research at the Center for Entrepreneurship and Research Commercialization at Duke University, argues that liberal arts sensibilities may be more valuable to the science and technology industries than one might think.
Wadhwa considers arguments from two of the computer industry’s giants—chairman of Microsoft Bill Gates and Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Each man has built a technological empire, but through different philosophies about the type of education needed to get there. While Gates argues that math and science education should be a priority in the interest of job creation, Jobs instead believes that the arts and sciences are codependent, and that the graphic designer who designs iPad apps is just as important as the engineers who develop the technology necessary to use those apps in the first place.
Agreeing with Jobs, Wadhwa writes,
…even though I believe that engineering is one of the most important professions, I have learned that the liberal arts are equally important. It takes artists, musicians, and psychologists working side by side with engineers to build products as elegant as the iPad. And anyone—with education in any field—can achieve success in Silicon Valley.
At Columbia, the Core Curriculum strives to reach a balance between these two areas of study. In addition to its stringent humanities requirements, the Core requires a minimum of two elective science or math related classes, as well as a freshman seminar called “Frontiers of Science” that introduces students to cutting edge developments in scientific fields as disparate as neuroscience and quantum physics. The University also boasts one of the country’s best undergraduate engineering schools, the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science. However, for undergraduates in Columbia College, the most popular majors are still humanities-based, including economics, political science and history.
Can Columbia graduates still be competitive in their chosen fields of work, or should the Core require more math and science? Tell us in the comments!
If you’re interested in learning more, you can read the original discussion from the New York Times here, and also look at Columbia’s core requirements.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Upcoming events from the Committee on Global Thought
Check out the following upcoming events from the Committee on Global Thought:
What Does "Imperialism" Mean in an Age of Global Finance?
Monday, March 28, 2011 8:00 PM
Columbia University, Schermerhorn 501
A discussion featuring:
C.P. Chandrasekhar, Professor of Economics at Jawaharlal Nehru University
Duncan Foley, Professor of Economics at The New School for Social Research
Jayati Ghosh, Chairperson of the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning at Jawaharlal Nehru University
David Harvey, Professor of Anthropology at City University of New York
Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development at the United Nations
Prabhat Patanaik, Professor of Economics at Jawaharlal Nehru University
Sitaram Yechury, Parliamentary Group Leader of the Communist Party of India
For more information and to register, please click here
India During and After the Global Financial Crisis
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 12:00 PM
Columbia University, Uris Hall 301
A lecture featuring:
Kaushik Basu, Chief Economic Adviser for the Ministry of Finance, Government of India
Prabhat Patanaik, Professor of Economics at Jawaharlal Nehru University
Y.V. Reddy, Former Governer, Reserve Bank of India
Amartya Sen, Thomas W. Lamont University Professor of Economics and Philosophy at Harvard University
Joseph Stiglitz, Co-Chair of the Committee on Global Thought at Columbia University
For more information and to register, please click here
The Fourth Annual Arrow Lecture: "Time and Persons in the Economics of Climate Change"
Tuesday, April 12, 2011 6:00 PM
Columbia University, Low Library Rotunda
A lecture by:
Sir Partha Dasgupta, Frank Ramsey Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Cambridge
with discussants
Scott Barrett, Lenfest-Earth Institute Professor of Natural Resource Economics at SIPA and the Earth Institute, Columbia University
Geoffrey Heal, Garrett Professor of Public Policy & Corporate Responsibility at Columbia Business School
For more information and to register, please click here
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Chunjie Zhang to speak on March 24

Please mark your calendars for the following talk by Chunjie Zhang, INTERACT Postdoctoral Fellow at ICLS.
August von Kotzebue's Transnational Melodrama: Sentimentalism, Sexuality, and Refusal of Trajedy in
Brother Moritz, the Stranger, or the Colony on Pelew Island (1795)
Thursday, March 24, 2011, 3pm to 5pm
Common Room, Heyman Center (directions)
Monday, March 14, 2011
REID HALL, 4 rue de
Chevreuse, 75006 Paris
Thursdays at 18:30
Columbia in Paris invites you to a series of interdisciplinary
conversations on the global dimensions of French and Francophone
cultures from the Middle Ages to today. Faculty from Paris
universities and visiting scholars from the United States will present
current research in fields including Political Science, History, Art
History and Literature.
Le programme de Columbia à Paris vous invite cordialement à une série
de conversations pluridisciplinaires autour du rayonnement global des
cultures françaises et francophones du moyen âge jusqu’à nos jours.
Des professeurs d’universités à Paris et des checheurs en visite
présenteront leurs recherches en cours dans des disciplines telles que
les sciences politiques, l’histoire, l’histoire de l’art, et les
études littéraires.
24 March
Michael Gorra (Smith College)
'Not a Pretty Thing': Joseph Conrad on the Conquest of the Earth.
Salle de Conférence
Pour plus d'information sur cette série pluridisciplinaire, veuillez
consulter le document ci-joint. Merci de réserver en avance votre
place pour cet événement en cliquant ici.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Tony Blair Discusses Globalization & the Future of Higher Ed
Tony Blair may no longer be making news as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, but his life post-politics has continued all the same. Mr. Blair has been teaching at Yale University here in the United States and contemplating the relationship between globalization and higher education. On Sunday, BBC News covered an interview with Mr. Blair on that topic.
Columbia Global Centers promotes and supports the engagement of the university world-wide, so we were obviously excited to hear Mr. Blair optimistically speak about emerging trends in higher education. Throughout the interview, he makes it clear that globalization will impact universities and already has. He argues, “It is now up to institutions of higher education to engage directly on these issues - not only their students, but current world leaders in politics, finance, and international diplomacy, along with the general public.”
He sees a more open and equal future where university content is available online for free and universities of developing nations in South America, Asia, and Africa improve the quality of their education, gaining prestige and influence amongst Western academic peers.
The world he describes is different from the world today, but not hard to imagine. As countries rise in economic influence, it is only natural to expect a similar transition for their universities. Beyond that natural rise, prominent, established universities like Columbia can and do reach out, build long-term relationships, and generate a new international dialog. If Mr. Blair is correct (and it appears that he is), we can all look forward to an exciting and enriching future for Columbia University and higher education world-wide.
Topics discussed in the interview:
OpenYale- Yale University’s catalog of coursework and lectures offered free to the general public.
Technologico de Monterrey (Mexico) - Mr. Blair frequently referenced this university for its international engagement and its focus on increasing access to its courses online.
The Tony Blair Faith Foundation’s Faith and Globalization Initiative – The Foundation’s “international network of leading universities exploring the relationship between faith and globalization and highlighting the implications to the wider world.”
Monday, March 7, 2011
International internships: what makes a good one?
According to Gliozzo and Chalou, the key resources necessary to facilitate successful international internships include relationships with local businesses, a clear program structure that integrates the student’s professional and academic experiences abroad, a method for ensuring the academic credibility of the student’s foreign university, and adequate resources to support the program, financial and otherwise.
Columbia’s own Center for Career Education (CCE) offers a comprehensive summer foreign work experience program called Columbia Experience Overseas (CEO). Participants in this program are afforded all the benefits of a traditional internship, combined with the unique opportunities offered by a study abroad program. You can learn more about CEO here.
What do you think makes a good international work experience? What can be gained from working abroad that can’t be found in the U.S.? Have you had an internship abroad? Leave a comment and tell us!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Healing Paradigms and the Politics of Health in Central Asia
The Culture, Religion, and Communications Unit of the
Global Health Research Center of Central Asia at Columbia University
Presents its First Annual Conference:
Healing Paradigms and the Politics of Health in Central Asia
Kellogg Center, Columbia University
420 West 118th Street, 15th floor
April 8, 2011
PLEASE RSVP TO: https://calendar.columbia.edu/sundial/webapi/register.php?eventID=48012
For more information: http://ghrcca.columbia.edu/en/node/118 or email crc2011conference@gmail.com

Friday, February 18, 2011
Summer Ecosystem Experience in JORDAN
The Center for Environmental Research and Conservation (CERC) at the Earth Institute, Columbia University is excited to announce the launch of a brand new Summer Ecosystem Experience in JORDAN
In partnership with Columbia's Global Center in Amman, the Columbia University Middle East Research Center, undergraduate students of all majors have the unique opportunity to study ecosystems and environmental sustainability in Jordan.
Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates (SEE-U)
Jordan: May 21 - June 24, 2011
During this five week, six credit program you embark in the exploration and appreciation of Jordan's ecology through coursework and field research. This location is ideal for biodiversity studies, as a wide variety of flora and fauna are found in Jordan's wetland, marine, freshwater, desert, and forest ecosystems.
To supplement instruction, guest lecturers from Jordanian universities and organizations are incorporated into the curriculum. Focus is placed on understanding Jordan's important environmental issues such as:
- limited natural freshwater resources
- deforestation
- overgrazing and
- desertification
Ecology and biology coursework are integrated with fieldwork taking place at various sites across the country.
You fly into the capital city of Amman, for introductory course lectures over several days. You then travel south to spend time in the coastal southern region of Aqaba, to study coral reef and marine ecology at the Red Sea Marine Science Center. A weeklong stay at the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature's reserves in the desert region of Dana and the Wadi Mujib canyon (part of the lowest nature reserve in the world, bordering the Dead Sea) provides a comprehensive look at the country's biodiversity, as you work alongside Jordanian scientists.
Enrollment at this field site is limited to 15 undergraduates from Columbia College, General Studies, and Barnard College. Interested candidates should complete the SEE-U application available on the CERC website. Selected students will be subject to a competitive, intensive review process, including an interview with staff members.
Click here for more information regarding the SEE-U program and the application process.
More detailed information regarding SEE-U Jordan will be posted soon. Please contact Desmond Beirne at djb2104@columbia.edu if you are interested in this program.
- - -
SEE-U Jordan is part of CERC's Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates (SEE-U) program. Other Summer 2011 field sites include:
- Brazil (May 21 - June 25)
- Puerto Rico (May 28 - July 2)
- Dominican Republic (July 9 - August 13)
For more information on the SEE-U Program please visit our website and download our program brochure.
Contact: Columbia University, 1200 Amsterdam Ave., MC 5557, Schermerhorn Extension, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10027
Studio-X: Mumbai
MARK WIGLEY Dean, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation Columbia University and RAJEEV THAKKER Director, Studio-X Mumbai Invite you to the opening events for | ||||||
ARCHITECTURE OF CONSEQUENCE February 10 - 13, 2010 Studio-X Mumbai Kitab Mahal Fourth Floor 192, D N Road Fort Mumbai 400 001 Please see below for event details. | ||||||
Copyright © Studio-X Global Network Initiative | GSAPP | Columbia University 2011 All rights reserved. |
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Social Work Masters Fellowship Program in Jordan
Please remind your colleagues and students of the wonderful opportunity (information & application attached).
The Program does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, or
disability. The competition is merit-based and open to those meeting the following criteria:
1. Resident of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
2. Hold an undergraduate degree (4 or 5 year) at application deadline with an excellent academic record;
3. Proficient in spoken and written English at the time of application;
4. Able to demonstrate professional aptitude and leadership potential in social work;
5. Committed to returning to home country after completion of the program.
NOTE: It is NOT required that you have a bachelors degree in social sciences in order to apply.
All questions should be directed to Matt Wilson: mwilson@sorosny.org