The Social Work Masters Fellowship Program for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan deadline is fast approaching.
Please remind your colleagues and students of the wonderful opportunity (information & application attached).
The Program does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, or
disability. The competition is merit-based and open to those meeting the following criteria:
1. Resident of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
2. Hold an undergraduate degree (4 or 5 year) at application deadline with an excellent academic record;
3. Proficient in spoken and written English at the time of application;
4. Able to demonstrate professional aptitude and leadership potential in social work;
5. Committed to returning to home country after completion of the program.
NOTE: It is NOT required that you have a bachelors degree in social sciences in order to apply.
All questions should be directed to Matt Wilson: